A Proper Foundation for Business Growth with the maxpotenti CRACQ System
What is the maxpotenti CRACQ System?
The maxpotenti CRACQ System is an innovative business expansion initiative which provides tangible results for its members. Suscribers to this System will learn how to effectively lay the foundation for consistent, sustainable business growth in your business.
By taking you through the ways in which to implement the Foundations, as well as lead and sales acquisition tactics, the maxpotenti CRACQ System will help you Crack the Rhythmic Acquisition of Customers, Clients or Patients, and improve your profitability.
What You Get with the maxpotenti CRACQ System

2 x 60 minute Zoom calls in first month to set foundations for 12 months program

4 Key
Foundation Blocks
Find your Gap
Fix Your Marketing
Know the Score

CRACQ System
Files & Documents
Your own workbooks to cover each of the 4 parts.
All checklists, forms and spreadsheets

Monthly Coaching Meetings
2 x 30 minute coaching calls each month. Steady progress, no overwhelm

Monthly CRACQ System Newsletter
Inspiring and innovative growth strategies and tactics

Founder Member Scholarship
Apply for a Scholarship to start quickly and reduces initial 2 months coaching fees by 50%
6 Reasons You Should Join maxpotenti’s CRACQ System
Proven Tactics and Strategies
All the ideas and processes we discuss with you are tried, tested and proven and will give you the essential tools to achieve the fundamental goals you originally set for yourself and your business
World Class Materials
The documents you shall receive on a monthly basis will give you a step-by-step breakdown of how to implement marketing and business growth strategies effectively and easily.
Zero Cost to low cost Implementation
The Strategies that we teach should not cost you any more than you are investing in marketing today, but we expect you to achieve much better results!
Complete Marketing Documentation
We provide you with full documentation of WHAT to do and HOW to do it. We can help you get-it-done if required for an additional fee.
Each of the parts has unique workbooks, handouts, checklists and spreadsheets.
Private Access
You will have access to recordings of all your coaching calls and will be able to request additional materials to help you maximise the results from each call and implement your plan.
Support Throughout
While you are a subscriber to the CRACQ coaching system, you will have access to me via email as well as for our monthly calls.
Introducing Sim Goldblum, CEO of maxpotenti
maxpotenti was established by Sim Goldblum, an experienced businessman, trainer and educator, with the aim of helping businesses to exceed their potential.
Sim will be your CRACQ System coach. His extensive experience of business development and the CRACQ System make him a formidable tutor for this programme. Sim will lead all your coaching meetings and will:
Create a safe environment in which you'll see yourself - and your business - more clearly and more accurately than you've ever done before
Identify the gaps between where you and your business are now and where you want to be
Help you pull together a crystal-clear SYSTEMATIC plan to close the gap
Provide you with the system, the ideas, the guidance, the accountability and the support to help you close your gap and achieve your goals

We Answer Your Questions
Do I get materials covering each tactic and strategy?You get a 'Playbook' for each tactic or strategy; an in-depth and step-by-step guide on how to quickly and efficiently implement the initiative we will present to you. Video and digital versions of the initiatives are accessible through your online membership.
What do I get when I join?You will receive an invitation to the Fast-Track Launch Workshop, immediate access to the 9 Core Elements, monthly proven business strategies, access to the website database of documentation, monthly Newsletter and support throughout your growth process.
Can more than one person from the same business join? If so what's the cost?Your membership is for your business, not for one individual. Multiple people can attend the Fast-Track Launch Workshop and can also access the membership site at no extra cost.
Is there a long-term commitment?No. Your membership investment is paid annually, but you can cancel at any time.
How do I join?Simply click on the button below. You'll be taken to the Membership Enrolment Form where you can complete your details.
How does the guarantee work?Having properly implemented out initiatives and strategies, if you don’t receive 20X your Growth Club investment, you will get your money back.
Are there any additional costs?No, you pay your annual subscription fee and nothing else.